Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Africans in Colonial America (1619-1763) Essays - Economy
Africans in Colonial America (1619-1763) Essays - Economy Africans in Colonial America (1619-1763) Directions Please save this document before you begin working on the assignment. Type your answers directly in the document. _________________________________________________________________________ Part 1 Answer the following questions in two to three complete sentences. (Each question is worth three points) 1. Describe how African Americans resisted enslavement during colonial times. What were the results of these efforts? Type your response here: 2. How did an indentured servant differ from an enslaved person? Type your response here: 3. Describe an enslaved African's working conditions and living arrangements on a plantation. Type your response here: 4. How did racial prejudices and racist laws affect romantic unions between Africans and Europeans in the colonial period? Type your response here: 5. Describe two reasons why slavery did not develop in the northern colonies. Type your response here: 6. How does the story of Anthony Johnson and his family reflect the change of legal status of African Americans in Virginia in the 1600s? Type your response here: Part 2 Answer the following questions by writing at least a paragraph (five sentences). (Each question is worth ten points) 1. Why did the system of indentured service give way to slavery in North America? Give at least two reasons. Type your response here: 2. Agree or disagree with the following statement. The lives of European indentured servants in American colonies were generally good and always better than the lives of Africans there. Be sure to offer evidence for your views. Type your response here: - Submission - 2013 EDMENTUM, INC.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge Essays
Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge Essays Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge Paper Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge Paper Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge of germs or other biological substances that can cause health problem or sickness. Agents of biological attack have to be either eaten, inhaled or enter through a cut in the skin. Some biological agents cause contagious diseases such as smallpox virus while others such as anthrax do not have a contagious effect. (Leonard, 2002 pp 120-127) In the event of a biological attack, there are various duties that are performed by the various police departments in an effort to save and make it safe for people in the affected area. The primary functions performed at the scene of a biological attack remain fairly consistent and are performed by different bodies within the police force as follows; Patrol officers The role of the patrol officers in a biological attack include; Incident size up and assessment: This is the basic step in the rescue efforts of the police in an incident of biological attack. The patrol police are responsible for assessment of the area of attack. Crowd control: This is a basic step whereby the patrol police control the movement of the crowd after an assessment of the attacked area to determine a secure way out to avoid other forms of attacks. Scene security: This is the provision of physical security in the area of attack which allows evacuation efforts to begin where necessary. Determination of protective clothing and equipment as well as pre-entry examination. Entry of the contaminated area for rescue of victims as needed. Investigators The investigators are entitled to: à ·Ã à à à à à Scene control and introduction of perimeters: This is done to facilitate the process of investigation and also enhance security of the investigators. à ·Ã à à à à à à à Product identification: This is the gathering of information about the nature of the agent used in the attack. This information gathering process is also useful to medical personnel as it helps in treatment of the victims. Information gathering may take different perspectives including interviewing witnesses, and sample collection if available. (Joshua, 1999 pp 34-78) à ·Ã à à à à à à à Recording of necessary information at the scene of crime. à ·Ã à à à à Reporting of the findings at the place of attack to the relevant authorities. HAZMAT This is a crucial stage in a biological attack response program. The hazmat are responsible for decontamination process of the hazardous materials. à ·Ã à à à à à à à To determine the area to carry out decontamination à ·Ã à à à à à à à Planning entry and equipment preparation. à ·Ã à à à à à à à Entry to the scene and rescue of victims as appropriate. à ·Ã à à à à à à à Containment of the spills or release of agent of attack à ·Ã à à à à à à à The neutralization of the release à ·Ã à à à à à à à Decontamination of victims and other rescuers à ·Ã à à à à à à à Formation of a triangle of the ill injured à ·Ã à à à à à à Consultation with hospital personnel in the decontamination process
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on Equality in Women and Essay
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on Equality in Women and Race in Collegiate Sports - Essay Example ACLU remains in the forefront in promoting the Bill of rights and ensuring that citizens are protected by the government through the laws that are formed. It is watchful on lawmakers and frequently issues public statements on pending national, state and local legislation by campaigning in support or against certain laws. It strives to ensure that each individual enjoys their civil rights. This paper will be a discussion on ACLU on equality in women and race in collegiate sports. Women and people of color are some of the people that are widely subjugated in the society. Females have always been interested in athletics, besides it makes them physically fit and have better body structures. When females were excluded from Olympics in 776 B.C, they created their own version, the Games of Hera. This shows that women have desire in sports, opposing the viewpoint that the society has that women are not interested in any physical activity (ACLU 1). The ACLU in conjunction with Title IX, this is a law banning discrimination on the basis of sex in educational institutions, have been instrumental in ensuring that women and people of other races get an equal opportunity in sports just like their male counterparts. The ACLU has written literature on the issues of women and race in relation to sports. A project of the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington foundation wrote the following literature in 2007. In the early 1900s, physical education instructors strongly opposed competition among females, as late as 1972, only one in 27 females participated in high school athletics compared to one in two males. In the public arena, there were more females following various sports proceedings, this challenged the notion that females were incapable or uninterested in sports (ACLU 5). Law makers responded and in 1972, the U.S Congress enacted Title IX, banning discrimination on the basis of sex in educational institutions. Washington added the Equal Rights Amendment to its const itution in 1975, this together with the Sexual Equality Act advocated for gender equality in educational institutions. As a result of this, the number of females in collegiate athletics increased from 32,000 to 171,000 (ACLU 5). On the other hand, female athletes of color are still underrepresented in athletics. However, with continued sensitization, the 2004 College Sports Racial Gender Report Card found that 14.9 percent of females participating in sports were African-American (ACLU 6). This was an indication of a slight improvement. In the year 2005, the court made it clear that if a coach or any other school employee complained on behalf of students with regard to discrimination based on sex or race, title IX protected such an individual from any action from his or her employer (ACLU 8). The ACLU Function of Washington advocates for the fact that sports programs in schools should accommodate the interests and abilities of members of both sexes. Funding is another issue that is r aised. Female and male sport programs must receive equal funds. In the situation where there is a club supporting a team that was dominated by one gender and not the other, the school is supposed to compensate for this imbalance by ensuring the other team got an equal share of funding. On the same level with funding, provision of equipment and supplies, travel allowances, assignment and compensation of coaches and provision of locker rooms also have
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
An Analysis of the Impact of Internet on Consumer Buying Behaviour Dissertation
An Analysis of the Impact of Internet on Consumer Buying Behaviour - Dissertation Example The consumer buying process is a complex process and one of the important areas of investigation for researchers. A number of studies have been conducted to study the consumer buying behaviour. The increasing complexity of consumer buying behaviour is also brought by the online shopping. All theoretical models describing the behaviour of traditional consumers have gone outdated. Marketers have become more interested in studying the behaviour of consumers under the influence of internet. The 4Ps of marketing mix are the major controllable tools to affect the buying behaviour of consumers whereas the elements experienced by the consumer during virtual interaction are the controllable factors in the case of web consumers thereby, indicating that traditional and online marketers use different tools to influence the buying behaviour of consumers. Although a significant work has been done to study the factors which influence the consumer buying behaviour however, most of these studies give more focus on the factors that influence the behaviour rather than studying the impact of the factors on buying behaviour. The product information, the time they spent on internet and the number of daily emails, are the top factors influencing the consumer buying behaviour on the internet.... The product information, the time they spent on internet and the number of daily emails, are the top factors influencing the consumer buying behaviour on the internet (Bellman, Lohse & Johnson, 1999). On the other hand, some studies have ended up with the findings that web consumers and traditional consumers are becoming similar in their buying behaviour. The web consumers are becoming more like the traditional consumers, at least in the United States therefore, companies should create web designs for an audience that is less educated, less web know-how, less technology know-how and earning less (Lohse & Johnson, 1999). A few studies have identified some important factors that can be evaluated to study the impact of internet on consumer buying behaviour. The black box model of Kotler in consumer buying behaviour describes that the external factors including the marketing mix and demographics, economic, situational, social and lifestyle factors and buyerââ¬â¢s mind such as his beli efs, values and decision making process are the determinants of purchase decision (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010, pp. 161). Actually Kotler has provided two set of factors including the external factors and the internal factors which may influence the buyer behaviour. This model gives an idea that knowing the characteristics of vendors and buyers are important to study the consumer purchase decision for example, product information and pricing are the controllable factors of vendors and personal nature of buyer like his/her beliefs, social nature etc are the controllable factors of buyers. The perceived dependability of the online vendors and less uncertainty involved in online buying increase the likelihood of online purchase (Teo & Yu, 2005). The level of trust and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The perception of the perfect body image Essay Example for Free
The perception of the perfect body image Essay It is only now she realises that she got favoured over the less attractive staff and got more pay rises than most people do. He didnt even know my cousin, but flirted with her constantly because of her outside appearance. This eventually grew until she could take no more. Unfortunately she had to leave her job as a consequence. All because she was the victim of the perfect body beautiful. He hadnt known what her personality was like, he just seen a woman and abused that fact. This too is becoming a huge problem, not only is it the ugly people being targeted but also, the beautiful people. So what is it better to be? There are problems on both sides of unwanted attention and heavy flirtation that can become overwhelming and a nuisance yet these women shouldnt have to suffer because of their appearance. There is no escaping this type of prejudice. How could this be allowed to surface in the first place? Yet again it shows how shallow our society has become, when is it going to stop? Will it ever stop? Has it gone to far beyond repair? Theres no doubt about the influence of the media on womens self-esteem and appearance. On ITV they had a program Make me Beautiful, this is added pressure of women feeling so insecure about themselves that they are prepared to undergo plastic surgery to see themselves as beautiful. The program in itself is wrong as it is recognising that women have an issue with beauty, but is letting them change their bodies to justify this and make the social image of the perfect body beautiful become acceptable. This is also against Christian beliefs but because it isnt recognised as such, it makes it hard to deem an act against Gods word. Nevertheless, women should not become reconciled to the medias pressure. They neednt stick to the artificial images, but instead try to be beautiful in their own way. Women even tend to diet often which can lead to serious illnesses that include eating disorders, this is because of the media attention that is given to attractive women. People are fooled into thinking that if they can be a size six they will be beautiful, but often this isnt the case, and when the result isnt pleasing. Depression slides into play. It is an evil downward spiral of deceit that comes from the media pressure of celebrities. As most celebrities themselves support a range of diets and are painfully thin. This can be seen my Lindsey Lohan, a well-known teen actress who has suffered from strain of the public eye and has became increasingly thin. Which is worrying, as she is a role model for teenage girls. Yet there are some magazines that acknowledge this, we open The Sun and go to Bizarre column and we see the latest gossip about who is too thin. Although this has been recognised, the media and society do nothing to follow through their findings. A womans beauty comes from the centre; it is where her heart lies, where her personality beams up her whole body, it can be her interests, or what makes her happy. Or it can be just her simple loving thought. Women are cheated of their right to happiness. It isnt fair but until the public address the seriousness of this situation, when eating disorders rise, when suicides from bullying rocket and when more and more women become depressed, it may make the world wake up. The government is solving the waste problem; it is solving the peace problem, even the health problem with the recent non-smoking ban. But when will the time come to solve the body image problem that plagues our streets and will become one of the worlds top killers, which has been proved by Anorexia Wastes Life Association. The time to act is now, but is it too little too late when the statistics show death? Two weeks later the woman in this picture aged 22, died of Anorexia. All because she too wanted the Perfect Body Beautiful. i i Stefanie Jameson Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Difference Between Truth And Belief
The Difference Between Truth And Belief The word truth can have a variety of meanings, from honesty and faith to a verified fact in particular.[1] The term has no single definition about which a majority of professional philosophers and scholars agree, and various theories of truth continue to be debated. There are differing claims on the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective, objective, or absolute. Though truth is generally believed to be both subjective and objective, belief is assumed to be objective which means it differs from person to person. For example, I believe that the sky is blue entails that I think that this proposition is true. The ways by which we acquire knowledge, can be differentiated into four broad categories, sense perception, language, emotion and reasoning. The four ways of knowing help us to identify and differentiate between subjective and objective truths. It is generally assumed language gives us access to subjective truths while reason gives us access to objective truths. For example, the various mathematical proofs, theories and formulae that are in use today are in practice because of they have been proved by reason and are considered as objective mathematical truths. However, some theories and formulas are axiomatic truths. Axiomatic truths are self evident truths or basic facts which are accepted without any proof. On the contrary, perception and emotion are believed to result in subjective truths. From past experiences, I have generalized that objects left out in the rain get wet. Through reasoning I apply this understanding to tonights rainfall, and conclude that my own bicycle will get wet if it is left out in the backyard. Reason can help us to identify both subjective and objective truths. For example, reason can help to distinguish between objective mathematical truths and subjective artistic truths. Thus, from the above examples it can be seen that the various ways of knowing , alone can help to identify truths. But, the ways of knowing may also work together to give us the truth. For example, in science the way of knowing of reason and sense perception may work collaboratively to give us the objective truths. Some examples are objects falling on the ground with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2. However, if reason helps us to identify and distinguish between objective mathematical truths such as the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 and subjective artistic truths such as Beethovens 9th symphony is his best, it does not mean that reason is superior to the other ways of knowing because each of the ways of knowing has its own limitations and may not necessarily g ive us the absolute truth. The way of classical inductive reasoning can lead to false claims. Consider this example, I saw a duck and it was black. I saw a second duck and it was black. I saw a third duck and it was black. I saw an Nth duck and it was black. A general statement becomes the conclusion All ducks must be black. After tens of thousands of instances of black ducks in Africa, Asia and North America I go to the UK and see a white duck, right in the middle of a lake. One false instance is enough to topple over the general conclusion I had painstakingly reached. In the wake of the development in sciences and the extensive use of reason in daily life, a question is raised Is reason the most superior way of knowing?. Reason has give rise to many scientific explanations and theories such as the formulae of mathematics and the laws of physics. In the AOK of science, the various laws of gravity in physics have been defined after reason and research. For example, if I observe that the gravity is always same when I undertake an experiment, by inductive reasoning I will assume that this will always be the case if I measure gravity on any X place in the world. The general statement becomes the conclusion The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2. But, if I were to conduct the same experiment at the North or the South pole I would find that the value of gravity is more than what I had found before, as the earth is elliptical and the poles are closer to the earths core. Also, the value of gravity would be quite different if I were to conduct the same experiment at the equatorial regions .Thus, as we can see, the reasoned assumption can sometimes lead to a paradigm shift i.e. true in specific environments so not a universal truth. Even if the experiment is conducted hundreds of times, there is always a possibility that an exception will be found and the theory would be falsified like in the case of the white duck. Thus, it is suggested that a hypothetical deductive method should be used, which is a continual interplay between deductive and inductive reasoning, mediated by testing done in the real world, whereby false hypotheses are discarded through trial and disproof. However, there is a possibility that somebody may stumble upon a case that falsifies the conclusion. The other knowledge issue raised is How far do our cultural beliefs distort our attempts to distinguish between subjective and objective theories?. For example, a recent case in India, where cultural beliefs are followed on a large extent, the idols of Lord Ganesha in temples all over the country were believed to be drinking milk from the offerings by visitors and followers. Thus, the subjective truth of all the followers was that the idol of Lord Ganesha was drinking milk. However, scientists conducted various experiments on the idols thereafter and came out with an objective explanation whereby the subjective truth of the followers was falsified. The rationalists and the scientists proved that the result was because of the surface tension and the absorption capabilities of the materials of which the idols were made .Thus, the cultural belief in India that the offerings by devotees are consumed by the god , gave rise to the subjective truth and distorted the objective truth. Also , another knowledge issue which is raised is How to do we get from our subjective beliefs to our objective truths ? . Darwins theory of evolution was based on his observations and is believed to be true especially by most of todays scientists. Darwins subjective belief in evolutionary theory was transformed into an objective truth. He proposed that all of the millions of species of organisms present today, including humans, evolved slowly over billions of years, from a common ancestor by way of natural selectionà [1]à . However, certain counter-claims make us believe that the theory of evolution is false. According to the theory of natural selection birds could never evolve to flyà [2]à while this is certainly not the case. Though subjective beliefs can be and have been transformed into objective truths by repeated experimentation, it is possible that a single counter-claim could forge the conclusion and prove the theory to be wrong. The distinction between subjective and objective truths also raises the knowledge issue Is emotion an effective way of distinguishing between subjective and objective truths ? . For example, in Ethics we may use reason effectively to distinguish between the reasons why we should switch off a life-support machine on a family member and why we shouldnt, but reason may not take into account the emotional pressures we feel in the moment of flicking the switch, or emotion may even over-rule reason to some extent. The ongoing debate between subjective and objective truths also raises the knowledge issue Are there any absolutely certain objective truths independent of what we believe to be true? . This knowledge issue takes into account absolute truths. An absolute truth, sometimes called a universal truth, is an unalterable and permanent factà [3]à . Many religions contain absolute truths. For example, a Christian might believe Lord Jesus to be his savior. To the Christian this may be an absolute truth. While many may agree that the Christian believes absolutely that Jesus is his Lord, they are unlikely to agree that Jesus is everyones Lord is an absolute truth. Centuries of missionary work is evidence of the human sense of infallibility in this area and is shown by the movie the mission in which a Spanish jesuist travels to the south American wilderness in the hope of converting the Indians into Christians . When a persons absolute truth is extended to all other people, it can be viewed as a philosophical statement of exclusion. Those who do not endorse the absolute truth of another are either pitied or attackedà [4]à and results in war and oppression. The method of the natural sciences involves perception as part of the collection of data to prove or disprove theories about the natural world for example , the development of the big bang theory by Edwin Hubble was based on his investigation of mysterious masses of stars called Nebulae. However, the problem is that a scientists observations may be limited by the instruments they use to make their observations. However, several of these theories are considered as absolute truths today inspite of what we believe. Again, Historians might provide primary sources to represent the absolute objective truth of the horrors of Stalins reign of terror, but the problem is this: how do we know that those sources havent been tampered with if Stalins regime was capable of doctoring evidence during his rule, isnt this even more rife in an age where everyone has access to Photoshop?
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Critical Response Essay
Advertisement can attract anyone that it wishes. In the essay, ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s Natural about Our Natural Products?â⬠by Sarah Federman, Sarah talks about how the words ââ¬Å" nature ââ¬Å" and ââ¬Å" natural ââ¬Å" are being used to sell more products and seem ââ¬Å" healthy ââ¬Å". She goes on to discuss how the word ââ¬Å" natural ââ¬Å" has turned into a marketing asset. Federman shows readers that food companies, uses these words to manipulate consumers to buy more of their products. It is a technique thatââ¬â¢s used for products like Kraft Cheese to get sales to go up. It is known that Kraft sells Natural Shredded nonfat cheese, Natural Reduced fat swiss, and Natural cheese cubes. Federman writes, ââ¬Å" Kraft has done nothing special with the cheese itself, ââ¬Å" natural ââ¬Å" in this case presumably relates to the shredding, reducing and cubing processâ⬠(442). Companies way of attracting on new audience. I agree with sarahââ¬â¢s argument abou t using ââ¬Ë natural ââ¬Å" and ââ¬Å" nature ââ¬Å" just to sell products. Advertisers shouldnââ¬â¢t use these words because if you read the labels, its still man made ingredients in it. To Federman, natural means, ââ¬Å" products or service any or all of the following a healthy alternative, an environmentally friendly product, vegetarians, and or produced without synthetic chemicalsâ⬠(442). Companies can get away with calling their product natural ingredients. But mixed in these natural, there are unhealthy components like corn syrup, dicalcium, and trisodium phosphate. These oils arenââ¬â¢t healthy, but because of the media, everything with natural on it is automatically good for you. Federman makes a strong point about about how companies can say its ââ¬Å" natural ââ¬Å" but not even how a product is made is natural. she states, ââ¬Å" I found nothing that explained the meaning of ââ¬Å" naturally baked ââ¬Å" , do you think this means they leave the chips out in the sun to crispen up? probably not, so why does this process cost more per ounce when it uses less fat? ââ¬Å"(443). Companies never tell the full ingredients list nor tell you exactly how its made, so to call ità natural is false. The consumers want to be healthy and fit, so the cost wouldnââ¬â¢t bother them. It cost more for something that is less manufactured, but most of the time companies just say its natural just to make more money. This proves that society has an effect on people using it, we want it, but these arenââ¬â¢t good for us, and advertisers fool us into buying it. Federman stated all her thoughts about how companies put the word natural on any labels to attract the audience who thinks buying product that claim to be natural, to show them that you canââ¬â¢t always believe what you see. When reading Federman essay, it can feel like on lecture at time, but as you and some what sarcastic. When Federman states, ââ¬Å" variations of the words ââ¬Å" nature ââ¬Å" and ââ¬Å" natural ââ¬Å" are used for product naming to distinguish alternative medicine practitioners from their western counterparts â⬠¦ blue jeans ââ¬Å" (441). it seem as if youââ¬â¢re sitting in the lecture. She makes it seem as if she speaking as part of a group of people who against companies putting natural on the products. Federman expresses emotion for her topic throughout the essay without a demanding tone, but slightly funny. Gladly, her tone doesnââ¬â¢t affect her writing. Without the tone she gives off, the essay wouldnââ¬â¢t stand out, catch the readerââ¬â¢s attention. The tone makes sure it changes the thoughts of the readers. I use to buy products that said ââ¬Å" all natural ââ¬Å" or ââ¬Å" nature ââ¬Å" on it and spend all that money. Thinking if I buy those products, I will be living healthy. But, after reading Sarah Federman essay, I know now that the products I brought were lack of natural ingredients. The tactics that these advertisers are using, and the products that say natural is the same as the original. I agree with all of Sarah Federman claims, and i fully understand her thoughts and logic about ââ¬Å" natural products ââ¬Å". Works Cited Eschholz, Paul A., Alfred F. Rosa, and Virginia P. Clark. Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers. Print.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Case Memo of The Wm.Wrigley.Jr.Company
In the case Blanka Dobynin was are trying to buy a large stake in the company and thereby force the management to reorganize the capital structure by raising the debt and using it to pay the dividends or buy back the shares. The strategy will benefit from the price appreciation from stock repurchase or dividend payment. Wrigley is a leading producer and distributor of chewing gums, and it has a advantageous position compared to the other industry players with very high brand equity and strong presence globally.It has little business risk as the market is diversified and anti-cyclical, which was reflected in its equity beta of 0. 75 as of 2002. Wrigley has zero debt as of 2002 and therefore no financial risk. Issuing 3 billion debt will alter the capital structure and increase it WACC. The WACC before debt is 10. 11% calculated from CAPM, given the unlevered beta equals 0. 75, risk free rate equals 10 year Treasury yield which is 4. 86%, and risk premium of 7%.After taking on the debt , the D/E ratio calculate from debt over total equity gives almost 70%, and the levered beta becomes 1. 07. Using the 13% cost of equity given in the case, the WACC after recapitalization will be roughly 9. 15%. Given 232. 441 million shares it means market capitalization of almost 13. 26 billion US dollars. The tax shield is roughly 1,200 million, which will immediately be reflected into the new share price under perfect capital market assumptions. The new share price will equals to 56. 37+5. 16 = USD 62. 23 per share.Adding the leverage of USD 3,000 million under BB rating assumption will significantly reduce the net income of the company therefore reduce the EPS. This effect will partially be offset in case of share repurchases, since decrease of the number of shares outstanding associated with share repurchase will push EPS up. In conclusion, recapitalization through 3 billion of debt and same share repurchase will be preferable for WM. Wrigley Jr. Company shareholders, since it will in total increase their wealth by 1. 2 billion which is a fair premium for the risks associated with leveraging the company.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Approximate Size of My Tumor Essay Example
The Approximate Size of My Tumor Essay Example The Approximate Size of My Tumor Essay The Approximate Size of My Tumor Essay TITLE OF ESSAY: An Analysis of the authorââ¬â¢s use of reflection in ââ¬Å"The Approximate Size of my Tumorâ⬠In the short story ââ¬Å"The Approximate Size of my Tumorâ⬠, the author uses reflection to give the reader a greater insight into the relationship between Jimmy Many Horses and his wife, Norma. Showing that there are two sides to humor: Jimmyââ¬â¢s viewpoint that humor is used as a copy mechanism and Normaââ¬â¢s viewpoint that there is a time and place for humor and for being serious. Jimmy Many Horses retells the history of his relationship with his wife Norma, from their initial meeting at the Powwow Tavern through their marriage including grappling with alcohol addiction and Jimmyââ¬â¢s diagnosis of terminal cancer. After learning of Jimmyââ¬â¢s diagnosis of terminal cancer Norma leaves reacting to Jimmyââ¬â¢s constant use of humor, even in the face of death which angers Norma. The author uses reflection to give us insight on how Norma and Jimmy met, explaining that humor is a part of Jimmyââ¬â¢s character. Jimmyââ¬â¢s recollection of their relationship includes a classic Indian pickup line, ââ¬Å"Listenâ⬠¦if I stole 1,000 horses, Iââ¬â¢d give you 501 of them. â⬠Jimmyââ¬â¢s cavalier humor about his diagnosis enrages Norma to the point she leaves him to go on the powwow circuit, ultimately ending up in Arlee, Montana, with a ââ¬Å"second kind of cousinâ⬠before returning to be with Jimmy in his last days, citing ââ¬Å"making fry bread and helping people die are two things Indians are good at. While in the hospital on his death bed, Jimmy continues to use humor as a coping mechanism. ââ¬Å"Humor was an antiseptic that cleaned the deepest of personal wounds. â⬠Even Jimmyââ¬â¢s description of his tumors is described as the approximate size and shape of a baseball-with faint stitch marks on it. The story tells how one person may use differing copying mechanisms to cope with their feelings, for Jimmy Many Horses, he uses humor which enables him in the beginning to deny the reality of his terminal diagnosis, resulting in his wife becoming so angered by him not taking this seriously that she leaves as another form of coping and requiring Jimmy to face that there is a time and place where humor is appropriate and when it isnââ¬â¢t. Humor destroys one part of Jimmyââ¬â¢s life while it aids him in coping with another.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Medieval Times Essays - Damascus, Damask, Linen, Chemise, Wool
Medieval Times Essays - Damascus, Damask, Linen, Chemise, Wool Medieval Times What Was Clothing Like in the Middle Ages? In the Middle Ages the tailoring business developed and fashion as a concept was born. There wasnt much difference among the distinct social classes in the way the clothing were cut, the differences became evident mostly in the colours and materials. The country folk prepared their fabrics themselves and the nobility and the bourgeois had the possibility to buy their own imported fabrics. What Materials Were Used to Make the Clothing? The domestic wool was revised into cloths of different strengths -durable, felt and carded fabrics. The most expensive, the finest and the most colourful cloth was an extremely important merchandise imported for example from the Netherlands, England and Germany. Preparing the fabrics and the threads was a time-consuming and valuable craft. Fabric was extremely valuable despite whether or not it was homemade or imported. The medieval threads were spindled with a distaff (an early part of a spinning wheel). For one whole dress where the density of threads was 12 threads per centimetre you needed as much as 15 000 metres of finished thread; i.e. 30 kilometres of one-filament thread. The thread had to be tightly woven and very durable. The clothes were used all the way to the end the parts that were worn-out and broken were mended and patched. When the piece of clothing was totally worn-out, the good parts were used again. This might be a reason why the archeological findings are mostly church textiles. The looseness of the clothes was received by the using of gussets which were triangular inserts used to expand clothing. This way you could also save the valuable fabric. The colours were important to the contemporary people and by lifting the coating the colours of the underclothes and the lining could be shown. The working cloth of the country folk was a linen shirt. Long, dragging clothes were typical in the Middle Ages especially for the rich. Height was emphasised in clothes as well as in architecture. Buttons were first used in the 14th Century, however, they were more used in mens than in womens clothes. Armorial bearing shapes and mi-parti outfits (two different colour halves of clothing) were typical in the Middle Ages. What Did Women Wear? The quantity and quality of medieval woman's clothing depended mostly on status. Queens wore elaborate, exquisitely detailed gowns while peasants wore ill-fitting hand-me-downs. Noblewomen and the wives of wealthy merchants could afford more costly garments. A good example is Margherita Datini. A detailed list of Margherita's clothes from 1397 reveals what the average outfit would contain. The only undergarment consisted of a long dress, or shift. Since it had to be worn against the skin, this garment was usually made from a soft cotton or linen. This would be covered by a wool or fur petticoat during the winter months. Over the petticoat would be a long-sleeved gown. The surcoat covered the gown, but was sleeveless. The average wardrobe of the period contained very few gowns, but an assortment of surcoats made from various material. Margherita had a wide array to choose from; blue damask, taffeta, Oriental damask, and silk are only a few. Some of the surcoats had detachable sleeves, making the outfit versatile and adaptable to the seasons. Women also wore capes, cloaks, and shawls as wraps. They could be made from wool, fur, silk, or velvet. Some of these garments may have included hoods, but there were other types of headdresses. Margherita and other women wore wimples, which were cloths that covered the head, neck, and under the chin. The wimple was sometimes covered by a fur or cloth cap, or straw hat. Ladies wore shoes that were carved wooden bottoms with leather laces. Slippers might be made from silk, but were more often made of leather. The heel was shaped either from small blocks of wood, or from layers of leather. Other accessories included linen undersocks, long wool or silk hose, veils, purses, fans, and handkerchiefs. Lower classes of women had an extremely limited wardrobe. Most pieces were handed down through the family, or were the cast-offs from the lady of the manor. She may or may not have the linen undergarment, and the dress was usually made from as
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Compare and contrast two readings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Compare and contrast two readings - Essay Example Henry David Thoreau is the writer of the seeing literally work and he implies the perspective of seeing and the outcomes of viewing things depends with each person and every other person can see what he or she intends to visualize thus it may be biased. Likewise, Ralph Waldo Emerson is also a writer in the natural literally work thus; a naturalist trying to argue the perception of how we see things should not only be based from what our ancestors had. The past influence, on the beliefs and ideologies are ridiculing whenever we follow what other people had there before since we are more capable of seeing, thinking and discovering things on our own. Emerson argues this since he finds that people are more dependent on the history that they found and want to still follow not because they cannot think but just want to follow the perception. Both are naturalists and are critical thinkers who can also be termed as philosophers as they both argue on the human point of view. In Thoreauââ¬â¢s work, we find that it takes preparation to see things in similar perspectives between two individuals. The more ready one can visualize and use their sight the greater the side of view. For instance, if one was not ready to look at a particular horizon then the existence of some things in the landscape and surroundings will not be evident. It takes the intent to observe and actualize for one to realize the whole range of things and objects that are there. Things can be at a certain place and we rarely see them out of our view though they are not hidden from us. In comparison to Emersonââ¬â¢s, literally work, he thinks that the atmosphere consists of very many stars that shine different rays yet someone can see the atmosphere as being transparent. He also compares to Thoreau work when he states that it takes an open mind to receive the influence of external forces from the universe. In both works therefore, it results to a personal initiative
Friday, November 1, 2019
Investment projects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Investment projects - Essay Example That is why even projects which had a positive net present value where not considered for the purpose of investment. The annual investment process at New Heritage involved personnel from all the three divisions of the company who presented their proposals for projects which can be considered for the purpose of investment. The proposals included projects which can be considered for the purpose of investment. With the growth of the company, initiatives were taken to decentralize some of the project approval process and hence increase spending authority at the division level. However, some projects which were of significantly higher value and required huge source of funds were reviewed at the corporate level by the capital budgeting committee which consists of the CEO, CFO, COO, the controller and the division presidents. As such, this report involves a thorough analysis of the available investment opportunities that the New Heritage Doll Company can undertake. The analysis spans over f ive years (2010 - 2014), evaluating projects which can prove to be a value maximising proposition for the company. The projects were analysed on the basis of key performance measures such as Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index, Payback period, riskiness, exposure to debt so on and so forth. The projects which were chosen every year for the purpose of investment were submitted to the budgeting committee. ... ysis has been presented in detail in the following sections and comments have been made regarding the projects which were chosen and the rationale for their choice, the budgeting constraint, the choices among all positive NPV projects, the risk factors which were considered and finally the ethical issues faced by the CEO while taking these decisions. Table of Contents 1. Rationale for choice of investing in a particular project 4 2. Budget Constraint 14 3. Choices among all positive NPV projects 14 4. Riskiness of the projects 14 5. Ethical issues faced by the CEO 15 1. Rationale for choice of investing in a particular project Several factors are considered by analysts while choosing a right project for investment. A project proposal to be presented to the committee includes a brief detail about the project and the strategy behind it. Investment decisions are base upon key financial performance measures such as the net present value of the project (NPV), the internal rate of return ( IRR), payback period and the profitability index (PI) of the project (Harvard Business Publishing 2010a). Accepting or rejecting a project depends to a large extent on the NPV of the project which is the present value of the benefits less the present value of the costs. However, this is not the only factor which is taken into consideration while evaluating a project. The other factors taken into consideration are IRR (the interest rate that sets the NPV equals to zero), Payback Period (the time required by a company to recover the cost of an investment) and Profitability index (the ratio between the NPV to the resource consumed) (Berk and DeMarzo 2011, 54-167). Having analyzed all the investment opportunities available to New Heritage Doll Company in their production, retail and licensing
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